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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000


The contribution of the Business Establishment to the economic development of any nation cannot be over emphasized. Computer have also contributed greatly to ease the functions performed by this industries to meet its economic obligations to the nation. The computer as a very necessary tool has not been adopted by all business establishments. So many establishments on the other hand, have able seen it as a means of improving business transactions and keeping necessary data on customers and other services. Organizations which have not actually adopted computers, will see that its positive effects surpasses its negative effects if they should look into it. This study therefore is going to show the actual contributions of computers to the business establishments and the problems faced by the establishments, that has not gone into computerization. In trying to state the problem related to computer the researcher used both secondary and primary data. The main purpose of this study was to determine the functions of computerization in office function in some establishment in Aguata L.G.A Anambra State.  A total of 60 respondents contributed to the findings of this study.  The major finding of the study were (1) any staff can loss his job if you are not computer literate.  (2) Computerization can reduce the cost of service in organization. (3) When there is light it can safe time. (4) When the is qualify staff it can bring customer satisfaction. (5) To provide adequate machine can also make job sweet.



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